Thursday, March 17, 2011

facts about tasmanian tigers, and life cycle

  • The last tasmanian tiger died in a hobart zoo.
  • The tasmanian tiger, is not relly a tiger but a marsuial with stripes
  • A tasmanian tiger is also known as tasmanian wolf
  • The tasmanian tiger was about 5 foot long, and had light brown fur with dark stripes across its lower back
  • A tasmanian tiger jaw are believed to open wider then any other mammal
  • Tasmanian tigers live in open forests and grass land
  • Tasmanian tigers eat walabies, small birds, kangeroos, and other small animals
Life cycle:
Tasmanian tigers only have 2 stages of life,young then adult


  1. imlove all the information, i found out heaps of things that i didn't know. good job. a.s

  2. thers great info on that report. a.s
